Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...James 1:27

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Yard Sale

Our Yard Sale was a huge success! I am so overwhelmed and grateful for all of the friends and families that donated towards our sale, and ultimately had a hand in bringing our baby home! We collected things in our garage for months from anyone who had items they were getting rid of. The week before the sale I started organizing it, sorting it, attempting to price things. I also decided to jump the gun and try my hand at online/Facebook yard sale groups- and had a huge success! A lot of the larger items I posted and sold the week before the actual sale. It was a lot of running around and arranging meetings with buyers- but it brought in a lot more cash than I believe we could have made on the items on yard sale morning. 
On the night before the sale, Brad and I set up everything beforehand so we wouldn't have to wake up even earlier than our 5:15 alarm. I was so thankful we did this, and that it didn't rain! We live on a steep incline/mountain so we were not to worried about anyone taking items. My parents and great friend Jame came and we started preparing for shoppers. And they quickly arrived...6:20 we had our first customers....and the people continued to show up at a steady pace all through the morning until around noon! It was neat to talk with people who knew nothing about adoption, or those who had adopted themselves! We met a lot of neat people and enjoyed sharing our story with many. We couldn't have done it without our family and friends!! We were so thankful when the day was done, the leftover junk was loaded and donated, and we could sit down and rest our feet. The grand total for our yard sale was $1,800! I was very thankful and we felt overwhelmed by God's provision. Yard sales are a lot of work- but making close to $2000 for essentially a few days of hard work- was worth it!

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