Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...James 1:27

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Letter to Family and Friends

We are excited to announce that we are pursuing ADOPTION!  We will be adopting from China,  and we hope to have a little boy or a little girl in our arms in late 2016 or early 2017.   

Why would we choose to adopt?  There are over 147 MILLION orphans in our world.  That is 147 million children who do not know the love of a mommy and a daddy.  Although adopting one child does not put a dent into the orphan problem in the world, there will be one less child who does not know about love and home and family.  God speaks of adoption and his love for the orphan throughout the Bible.  He even states that we are “adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:5).  He also directs us to care for the orphans and widows (James 1:27).  Though there are many ways to care for the orphans and widows, our family has been led to pursue adoption. Over the last two years, we have earnestly prayed and sought God’s will about foster and orphan care, and we believe that now is the time for our family to adopt.  We are excited to see God work in the life of our family as we work towards adding a son or daughter, a brother or sister, to our family.
There are many ways that you can be a part of an adoption ministry- even ours specifically if you feel led! We feel honored to be able to speak up for those who have no voice and to raise orphan awareness in our circles of family and friends.  First, we ask that you pray for us.  Pray for our son or daughter that is waiting on a forever family.  Pray for God to remove all roadblocks from our process.  Pray that we will raise all of the funds needed to complete the adoption and travel to China to rescue our newest little family member.  Although the cost is high, we believe that God will provide us with the means to adopt.  If you feel led to donate or help with a fundraiser in some way we would greatly appreciate it and we will be grateful for even the smallest donations to assist with our adoption expenses.  We have some excellent fundraisers planned and hope to give you some easy opportunities to have a chance to be the hands and feet that spread love to orphans around the world.

 We want each of you to be a part of this important, exciting time in our lives.  Please follow our family blog at to keep up with our journey.  We will be updating it regularly, as well as updating Facebook and Instagram as much as we can.  If you would like to know more about the adoption process or our decision to adopt, please feel free to email us at or give us a call! We would love sharing about the exciting changes that God is doing in our hearts and family.
Above all, we thank you for your prayers and support!  This process is complicated and extensive, but it will be completely worth it when we are holding a precious child that God has given to us to love.  We are so thankful for many friends and family that love our family.  We look forward to updating you as we continue to grow our family into a party of 6!


The Hobbs Family
Brad, Tessa, Caroline, Emily and Hannah


  1. Best news Ive seen all day! Overjoyed for you Tessa & Brad...Tonya & I will be praying for the process & can't wait to meet this special blessing!
    God Bless You & our Love to you all!
    Jeff & Tonya

  2. Raymond and I are praying for all of you. We could not be more thrilled to know of your desire and commitment to answer the call God has placed in your hearts. We love you very much and will continue to pray. Phil 1:6-And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion....
