Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...James 1:27

Thursday, December 31, 2015


We have had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. It has really started feeling "real" to me this month. The fact that my heart is growing outside of our amazing family of 5...and there is an emptiness that now fills my mind when I think about not having our sweet addition with us during these holidays. I love to think that next year we will be a family of 6...and we will be able to show our new child what Christmas really means and what family is all about.

I have been spending more time than I would like "making my list and checking it twice." I am happy to say that we have jumped through all the hoops and collected all of our paper trails and medicals to turn in for our last home study interview on January 11th!

We have done a TON of post adoption reading and training that will hopefully aid in our adjustment once we get back home from China with our new child. We've read books, articles, and taken a 10-hr course online. We will travel to a international Crossings seminar closer to our travel date and spend a weekend learning even more. There is a lot of attachment, bonding, and emotional (and physical) affects that families who adopt will experience. We know that our family and friends will be patient with us when this day finally gets here and we walk down that new path. Lifeline does an awesome job raising awareness of problems and issues that may arise in the future- instead of letting us be surprised when they develop later on.

I had my passport renewed! So much fun to see that I am getting closer and closer to being ready to travel.

Many of our social workers have taken time off for Christmas and the New Year- but next week I expect the ball will start rolling quickly again. 

Guess what arrived on our doorstep Christmas Eve?? The tshirts!! We will be mailing these out next week and can't wait to get a picture of you in them. I absolutely love the shirts and it brings a smile to my face each time I think of our "heart" being advertised all around the states!  It is not to late to get one- we ordered some extras, so let me know if you still need one.

And finally... many have asked about a donation fund or website in which money can be contributed to our particular adoption ministry. We will be setting up a tax deductible giving site once our home study is approved. This is protocol to wait until that time so that it is a 100% sure thing that our adoption is happening! We look forward to sharing that with you very soon. Thank you for those who have asked about doing your part, financially, in helping orphans. 

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